Tuesday, September 23, 2008

LIBERTY- James Schor

"Liberty!" That cry has resounded throughout the earth many times historically. Revolutions, revolts and reformations have been "birthed" by this cry. This sound has been issuing from the hearts of many across this land for years now. People have tasted of the poisonous fruits of religion and humanism and come away dissatisfied, because they are two sides of the same tree. This tree is that of the knowledge of good and evil. God desires us to partake from His tree of life- Jesus Christ!People desire liberty- freedom from that which seeks to enslave them; either the permissiveness of the world or the stifling rules of religion. It is time for that freedom to come, for the walls of humanism and religion to come down, allowing the Holy Spirit to once more move freely among His people.The religious spirit has done far more in the world to prevent and suppress the moves of the Holy Spirit than any cultic, humanistic or occultic movement. Religion has given the impression of being of God, yet its very nature denies the power of God and gives glory to men rather than to Him.It is easy enough for us to recognize (and despise) the evil fruit of humanism, but how often do we accept or even put up with its evil "sister-fruit" of religion? It seems that we somehow often justify that which is religion, while rigidly standing against what we see as the moral decline of our nation.However, when we do so, we fail to realize that our very endorsement of religion is primarily what contributes to the decline we oppose! Why would people forsake the "liberty" that the world gives them, the "freedom" to follow their own passions and desires for something that constricts them and is powerless to truly change their hearts?By presenting a powerless gospel to the masses in this country, we have not only misrepresented the gospel of Jesus Christ, but we have sinned- horribly! Just as the Pharisees did, we have allowed that which was intended to guide us towards a deeper relationship with God to become our idol, our standard, our salvation.What do I mean?

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